
Showing posts from February, 2017

Missing Penangites

assalamualaikum today, while spending time with Insyi and Lina, suddenly i rekindled moments, sweet moments i could say with my bestfriends. hahaha *berapa banyak best friends aku ada ni* semua nak kawan nak buat mcm mana 😜 i'm mentioning those staying in Penang with me tho, classmates, dormmates and colleagues which are Anis Liyana, Syafawani, Alia and Mylia. At first, we're all like enemy, didn't like each other but who would've thought we can become like this? VERY BESTFRIEND and even shared everything that we could not with others. Among us secret means secret! Anis who is a sport person, talkative and gangster dia ni, seems stubborn but actually not, grown up and becoming true lady and her status is complicated! HAHAHA jgn marah nis. study leklok kat USIM tu πŸ˜‡.  As for Syafa, she's like a mum *even cute and kecik* for the four of us. Matured enough to understand us, handle and always think before doing anything. Lovely and prioritize oth...

No more white-nesday

Assalamualaikum, Today is just like another normal day. Oh except with no 'white-nesday'. But somehow feel like one more special day created as we spent sooo much time together. 2 classes cancelled and we was like yeay-happy-yeay! Hehehe From last night with 5 hours discussion for torts case presentation *now panggil present case je* well, degree kennn. Hoho fuhh this is how basically we look like after 5 hrs of discussion (from 6.30 to 11.30). Poor una and ieman balik mahallah diorg lewat. Our brain felt numb nevertheless I'm still happy as get to be with them. *Penat mmg penat tapi tak stress* *Anis snapped this photo without consent* (acewahh masuk contract pulak) Haa ni maybe time class diorg tadi without me *sobs sobs sobs Haa finally it's our torts tutorial where we supposed to present. *Bila ieman ambik gmbr pun tak tahu* Dia punya nervous tu ieman lagi nervous dari kami si presenter ni. Gaiss, next time kita lat-ta-li-lat so semua skali present. *...

Thank you, Lord

Assalamualaikum hai Today, for the first time bg makan ikan tilapiass dekat Azman Hashim complex (betui kot nama ni). All this while, just loves to eat them. *Perut kenyang hati pun riang*. Plus, yang dibakar cara kampung and together with air asam. Wowwooowoo ~ outstanding! (Mama, tin nak balik 😭😭). Oh back to the story, while waiting for maknae una to settle her matter at the ATM machine, me and ieman (ieman lagi yang selalu disebut😜) feed those tilapiassss *byk s sbb byk gilaaa* time ni auni n anis dah beriktikaf di sejidd dah sbb tu tak disebut. Alhamdulillah! Dia punya feeling tu nervous+happy+sympathize. Haa feeding the talapiass pun nervous tau! They're too many and so furious whenever I throw the food. Happy sbb harini dah buat baik *ieman suruh tulis* eh tipu jeee 😝 ~ gambar is not taken to prove our kindness. Puihh. Hahaha After two packe ts of the food finish ed, husna still did n't appear. (Curious kan apa dia buat?...

Sundate πŸ’ž

Assalamu'alaikum hello, If you want to know the value of someone, try spend one day wif em. And if you feel that day spend wif em is a day well spent meaning they must hv special position in your life. Haa! For me of ciousss la si ieman, Anis, maknae una, twin auni (kalau dikeyel). Yang kwn2 kat Penang tu jgn sedih aku tak lupa hampa aih. Haha Last Sunday, we hold a 'picnic' yang tak jadi sbb semut merah (entahlah semut jenis ni like sweet things or not). Objective: discuss torts, location: Riverside, time: after lunch. Hypothesis: objective not achieve. Ohh we had a meal at Uniq cafe. *Hurmm it's actually unique with variety of foods there* but as perempuan, it took a long time to decide what to eat. Sbb byk yang tak bukak and noodles, pizza apa tah tu je yg bukak. I dont like noodles and ended up eating meatball spaghetti. Doesnt mean I'm a valley girl k just I don't like it. Nak makan boleh la tapi tak nikmat. Haa mcm durian jugak. Tak minat tpi boleh la nk...

Monday blues? Not today

Hai assalamualaikum  Harini ikut geng kerΓ© g discussion. Basically menyemak je sebab tak sama group 😭😭. And classes end at 12, have nothing to do so ikut jelah. Tapi takpe, tak di'isolated' pun and that makes me happy! Ohh study group zone is so conducive and suitable for yall to get a quality sleep time. Hoho and harini me in monday purples.