Sundate π
Assalamu'alaikum hello, If you want to know the value of someone, try spend one day wif em. And if you feel that day spend wif em is a day well spent meaning they must hv special position in your life. Haa! For me of ciousss la si ieman, Anis, maknae una, twin auni (kalau dikeyel). Yang kwn2 kat Penang tu jgn sedih aku tak lupa hampa aih. Haha Last Sunday, we hold a 'picnic' yang tak jadi sbb semut merah (entahlah semut jenis ni like sweet things or not). Objective: discuss torts, location: Riverside, time: after lunch. Hypothesis: objective not achieve. Ohh we had a meal at Uniq cafe. *Hurmm it's actually unique with variety of foods there* but as perempuan, it took a long time to decide what to eat. Sbb byk yang tak bukak and noodles, pizza apa tah tu je yg bukak. I dont like noodles and ended up eating meatball spaghetti. Doesnt mean I'm a valley girl k just I don't like it. Nak makan boleh la tapi tak nikmat. Haa mcm durian jugak. Tak minat tpi boleh la nk...
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