Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! Don't know where to start actually so whatever crossing my mind I'll just write it down. Let's start with our last minute hangout plan. Initially our motive was to visit CFS -- "we are the torchbearers for the ummah.. guided by the Quran and Sunnah.." (sila nyanyi untuk dapat rasa sense of belonging) -- but then we changed it to what girls? Ya, filled our stomach with our most fav food (lol fav saya dengan Nana je kot), DUBUYO! or dubu-dubu or dubuyi or whateverlah kita panggil dekat NU tu. Yeah, our normally hangout place. So then, we jalan-jalan cari angin je sebab perut dah kenyang dekat KLCC. Hmm, just found Innisfree right ahead of me, masuklah apa lagi tapi tak sebest yang I sangka. ciss! but save my manehhh yahoo! Right after that, for our impromptu photography session. Come on takkan datang KLCC taknak snap skit en? without our own official photographer aceyhh bajet retis, we then approached our photog...