
Showing posts from January, 2019

Love Letter '19

Assalamualaikum Hello everyone! HAHAHA because it's been too long since I last updated my entry, it took me few minutes to finally find the way to post. Lupa gais lupa.. yelah dah dua tahun ni tau. Happy New Year 2019! May this year brings us more happiness and memories together. Well, if I were to sum up my 2018, I would say it was totally worth it! I truly learned a life experience that helps me to grow better though I did learn it in the hardest way (till now). This year really taught me how strong I am. No regret, no turning back, let's keep moving forward.  So, to celebrate our first day in 2019, we go to Santai Place lagiii! Boleh kira berapa kali je pergi sem ni. There, we talk, talk, eat, eat and talk again. (thanks Auni bawa kitorang walaupun ada makhluk lupa awak ada kereta nyehnyehnyeh). Menu? tak tunggu lama terus order je macam biasa. That's the kere I know. Terima kasih kawan-kawan teman saya makan sampai boyot! korang...