Fav month, Fav people

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Haiii peeps! Lama rasanya saya tak update blog, kan? Agak-agak ada yang tertunggu-tunggu tak entri saya? Hope there are!

I was quite occupied for the past few months. Right after finishing my semester, I did my attachment at a firm. Ya, you guys pun. So, I was tied-up with all the clerical works and court's sessions.

Put that aside, here we are now, in my favourite month, my birth month, September!

Sangat-sangat tak sabar nak jumpa Ieman, Una, Anis, Auni, dengan kawan-kawan yang lain. Yalah, tiga bulan kotttttt tak jumpa. Bagi korang lama ke kejap tu? To be honest, tak fikir langsung nak mulakan sem ni dengan buku. (this is serious talk bukan tipu) 10/9/19 - Berjumpa akhirnyaaaa kita semua😍 walaupun ada juga jumpa Nini within that three months, tapi lagi seronok bila Keré is complete!

'Anywhere is fine with keré' memang betul-betul applicable lah bila kita semua tak jadi join Shavengers pergi Peghok. Fikir punya fikir plan nk ganti dengan trip tu, dalam 3 hari juga kan? Last-last, malam Ahad tu juga keluar idea, Trip Kere 2.0: Visit Putrajaya😄. One-day trip ended well walaupun certain places tak tercapai hasrat nak masuk. Cis! Lain kali okay? 


Then, comes my birthday - 22/09/19, Thanks for all the heartfelt wishes and aesthetic gifts, Ieman, Anis, Insyi, Timah, Amer! Yang tak bagi hadiah pun takpe, the thought that counts! xD 

Really-really-really do appreciate that! Thanks to Insyi for treating me my long-craving Amphawa Tomyam Signature 😋 and also spent time with me taking beautiful photos of me lol and looking for Ieman's all-time favourite Daisy! (nah gambar appreciation 😝)


Next, my confession to Keré! I decided to tell Keré about my long-term crush. Was actually thought about that earlier this year but tak kesampaian sampai lah pergi Putrajaya tu. I decided to share dengan Keré my happiness (cewah happiness, rasa nak pukul tak). Tapi memang happy lah sebab crush kita suka kita balik, ye dok? Korang tumpang happy tak? Kalau ya, doakan baik-baik sebab susah tau nak jumpa yang sesuai dengan kita. 


Finally, Aikol Kindness Week- Aikol Charity Market. First time join program Aikol and baru tahu cara diorang bekerja... ooooooo gituuu but overall enjoy and puas hati! 

Okay seronok tak September? Next week tak seronok dah, dah start assessmentssss! Byeeee, jumpa lagi. 

p/s: Video tengok dekat my youtube channel (bajet femes)


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