Serabut week

Assalamualaikum, hi eberibodeyh
We meet again! Mesti you guys keep waiting for my update kan? Hahah haa jwb cepat Anis, ieman, nana. Auni maybe tak tertunggu kot. Okaylah, upon request from anis, for this entry me would like to share about whatever happened last week so called "hectic week". 🙄

Okay, for Monday as the starter of the week, it went smooth as always.. but soon after i tweeted that, on Tuesday which many tasks ask to be done just happened to be assigned during that day. I was like 'pffttt' ouh this is not inappropriate word okay just a word I used in replacement for 'wth'.. huhuh maafkan saya kawan-kawan.

Just to let you know, on Tuesday when prof ida asked about our assignment, Dr did not assign us any yet save the oral presentation for contract which I already done. Hehehehhe *happy sikit jadi early bird* then, immediately Prof ida asked Dr and that very moment we got the 'gift'. So, for that 'gift' we're given about 4 days to submit. Here, I would like to thank prof ida for asking in advance on behalf of us, if not, I can't really imagine if we got it on Thursday and need to submit it a day after. Fuhhh, Alhamdulillah la if not me is pening dengan takde geng keré nak tolong jwbkn hehehe. For your information, I spent for about 7 hrs more less to complete that gift tau alone! Individually! 😭😭😭 So, for the entire week im not being myself. Gelong+ taktau la mimpi ka realiti. Hahaha but for now, we should focus on opinion writing pulak kay. Fighting!💪

And for Wednesday pulak, not so stressed la but whenever I hv thought bout contract, it stressed me out! Ahh heartue. So, Wednesday went good but a story must tell is what happened during qahol tuto. Huhuhu. Aaaaaaaa, excited ke gais? But im not fully remember la. Cowwiiy. Apa yang saya ingat was when ustaz forgot that he had assigned us those questions from the past year exam. Hahaha "alorhh, ana dah pelupa", "mudah la kalau gitu" "haaa, buat la persembahan eh persembahan pulok, apo ore panggey tu, haa presentation" okay yang ni je kita ingat hehehehhe.

Thus, we who're not yet well prepared went to the front and ready for the presentation. Okay, our group was the sole group had to present that day, I'm not saying it's unfair as I'm happy at the same time when we dont need to present again next two weeks. Plus, when ustaz correct us with our misconceptions and misunderstood on the question and Hadith. I'm glad, I surely am. Thanks to Ustaz. Okay nak cerita ka apa jadi time present? Taklah menarik pun, sebab kita salah faham. Ingat, kita tak salah, yang salah sapa? Ya, faham yang salah! Hehehe. Eh sedar la diri kita yang salah sebab tak faham dalam kelas. Hohoho 😅. After finished our performance eh presentation *sorry sengaja*, ustaz explained to us what actually the question about and how the answer should be..It must be noted here, ustaz asyik kenakan aku ja. Whatever i do, angkat tangan, cakap and whatnot semua kena tegur. Aishhh am i that unique? HAHAAHA. Me just being me.

One of the moment yang kita ingat, bila ustaz bagi example ayat dalam surah An-Nisa pasal pengharaman nikah dengan ibu sndri tu, kita faham explanation tu and soalan dia, but when i tried to answer I just didn't know how to explain in arabic kennn. Pastu, naktanya la man man apa ayat sebelum tu sebab nk make sure jwpn dia kita rujuk ayat sebelum pengharaman tu. But then, ustaz buat ayat "farhana berpaling tidak mahu pandang" sebab time ustaz tngok kita tu kita kalih tengok man man. Hahaha mana nak expect sbb i need an urgent answer tau time tu. Okay, maafkan saya ustaz even saya tak brsalah. Lepas ni nak duduk diam2 dalam kelas. Huh!

Lepas tu, straight ke tuto torts. Ya Allah time ni stress tu tahap dia dah naik. Sebab masuk2 ja kena jwb soalan and tulis kat depan. Nasib takyah present. Fuhh, we we're given 10 minutes to answer one problematic question. Hey problematic oi just settle your own problem please .. but alhamdulillah in that kalut+serabut+stress situation we managed to complete that quest better than we expected. Ya, biiznillah everything is possible if He will. Pastu, dapat lagi assignment baruuuu even assignment lama tak start buat lagi hehehe.

Sekian,,. hope not meeting anymore hectic week soon!


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